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    Low Carb Croque Monsieur


    Low Carb Croque Monsieur

    Yes, it was glorious.
    My goal with food is to create low carb versions of all of my favourite dishes and this one was perfect!!  When we lived in Takapuna, we occasionally went to a french cafe that served Croque Monsieur – which is really a glorified and slightly fancy ham and cheese sandwich!
    SOOOOO how do we make it low carb?
    You can sign up for my exclusive Facebook group by heading to the subscribe button on my site.
    Look for the join button and let’s do this.
    M x

    Hey gorgeous!  Are you ready for change?

    If you’re looking for weekly support for weight loss and your own wellness journey, subscribe to my Facebook group!

    New recipes and cooking classes every week, plus motivation and ideas to help you reach your goals! You can join me here.

    It’s time to #treatyoself and transfom you into the fabulous that you truly are, eating real food! Let’s do this!

    M X

    Low Carb Wrap / Burrito Skin / Tortilla


    Low Carb Wrap / Burrito Skin

    Seriously – this is sooooo easy and delicious.  In the Live demo, I cooked this and added filling then grilled in the George Forman, turning into a DELICIOUS Quesadilla!!  No more missing out on your favourite mexican food when you can have something as delicious as this!! 


    • 1 tbsp coconut flour
    • 2 Egg whites
    • 2 tbsp water
    • 1/16TH tsp baking powder
    • Butter or coconut oil for cooking

    (I used a Nutri Ninja to make this recipe, so mixing instructions are designed for that device.)

    Add liquid into a blender and the coconut flour on top. Blend.

    Add butter or oil to a pan and heat. Spread around pan to coat.

    Pour batter into pan and lift of element, moving in a circular motion to spread the batter around the pan.

    Let the mixture cook until the edges start to lift up and gently use a spatula or fish slice to lift your wrap up, flip over and cook on the other side.

    Cook till golden on both sides then load with your favourite fillings.

    You can watch the Live Demo HERE

    Cauliflower Lasagne Bake Recipe


    Cauliflower Lasagne Bake Recipe

    • 1 large head Cauliflower (cut into small florets)
    • Avocado oil
    • Sea salt
    • Black pepper
    • Homemade Tomato sauce (recipe below)
    • 2 cup Mozzarella cheese (shredded)
    • 2 oz Pepperoni slices or pre-cooked bacon bits


    1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees c
    2. In a casserole dish, cover the cauliflower with avocado oil, sea salt, and black pepper. Arrange evenly in a single layer and roast in the oven for about 25 minutes, until a little golden. If you want the cauliflower browned more evenly, you can toss halfway through. (Leave oven preheated after – you will need to use it again.)
    3. Pour your tomato sauce evenly over the cauliflower. Sprinkle with shredded cheese, then top with Italian seasoning (if using). Place pepperoni slices or pre-cooked bacon bits over the cheese.
    4. Place the casserole back in the oven for about 10 minutes, until the cheese is melted and golden.

    Homemade tomato sauce (my cheats way of making it!)

    • 1 can of Italian spiced tomatoes: please make sure you choose a can with real ingredients! No numbers, no preservatives!
    • 1/2 an onion, finely chopped
    • 1 clove of garlic, finely chopped
    • Avocado oil
    • chopped capsicum (optional)
    • chopped olives or capers (optional)
    • salt and pepper to flavour


    1. Chop onion and fry in a little avocado oil with some chopped garlic
    2. Place contents of can of Italian spiced tomatoes into pan and heat through
    3. If too sweet, add some chopped olives, capers or a little salt and pepper to adjust to your preferred flavour
    4. Sauce will naturally thicken and reduce the longer you cook it.

    Lasagne: To turn this into lasagne, place half of your cooked cauliflower in a casserole dish to line the bottom.  Add a layer of cheese, then a layer of tomato sauce. You can also add a layer of pre-cooked bacon bits. Add the next layer of cauliflower, tomato sauce and finish with more cheese.

    Cook until cheese is melted and golden and your dish sounds like a bubbling hot pool!

    Beliefs: How your mind shapes your reality


    Beliefs: How your mind shapes your reality

    What do you believe about…..everything?

    I’m going to share a little something about me with you.  When I was 18 months old, I was admitted to hospital. I had been speaking in sentences since I was 1, however I couldn’t walk and as I was already very overweight and abnormally tall, the doctors were concerned that there was something wrong with my brain or that I was ‘retarded’.

    Monique Bradley, Morris Bradley, Helena Bradley

    I came out of the brain scan and the doctors, after looking at both my parents who were morbidly obese, gave their diagnosis: ‘There’s nothing wrong with her brain. It’s just that elephants don’t make mice’.

    Yup, that happened. Can you imagine the uproar in social media if that happened today?

    For years, I held onto a belief that my genes were to blame.  Looking at my family, many of them were, and still are, overweight.

    We celebrated everything with food: happy times, sad times, someone visiting, someone going away, seasonal holidays….you know the drill.  Leading up to Christmas was always a struggle as I was excited but always anxious about how many kilos I’d add this year. ‘But I can’t do anything about it, because it’s genetic.’

    The bullies (and some of my school teachers) were pretty horrible to be fair and the constant reminders that I was fat and unacceptable or a ‘sideshow freak’ were pretty hard to deal with, so to make myself feel better I always had food. That rush from eating a Quarter Pounder and fries with a diet coke when you’re upset, or a chocolate afghan….all was well again….then I’d hide away at home listening to the Phantom of the Opera dreaming of when I could be slender and beautiful like the lead character Christine, while quietly feeling like a failure.

    I was young when I started trying to secretly lose weight, however it never started to really happen till I developed anxiety from PTSD. I was 20. Finally all the beliefs and the chatters of other people’s opinions that I’d been holding onto about myself, exploded into this out of control panicky feeling, which I thought at the time was a heart condition. Through self diagnosis and misinformation (there was no Dr Google back then) I CHANGED my belief to: ‘I know my genes mean I’m likely to be fat, but if I don’t do something now, it could be game over!!!’

    I made little changes at first and my daily anxiety attacks were the awful reminder that I needed to keep going.

    It took me 8 months to transform from 110 kgs to 42 kgs and I can tell you right now, the anxiety was still the same. I’d lost weight and thought ‘great! I’ve beaten this and now I’ll be seen as acceptable when it comes to getting TV jobs!’ The only downside was that by not eating, I lost my energy, my sparkle and my personality as well. That’s not something I could blame my genes for.  That was something I could only blame myself and my choices for.

    I believed that being skinny would improve my health.

    I believed that being skinny would help my career.

    I believed that being skinny would make me more attractive and thus, more loveable.

    And it was those beliefs that started what has been more than 25 years of battling with my weight and my perception of myself: up till now.

    Here’s the thing: We all go about our day on autopilot. You know that feeling you have when you’ve driven somewhere and you can’t remember how you got there?  That’s your subconscious kicking into action and doing what it’s meant to do. 90% of our day is governed by that autopilot /subconscious and that programming drives our choices, our actions and our behaviours.

    Through years of allowing other people’s opinions of me shape how I felt about myself and my VALUE, I had created beliefs that were locked into my subconscious which meant that overeating or making crap food choices was literally a ‘no brainer’.

    “I’m fat anyway, so I may as well have another bit of cake’.

    I allowed those negative messages to justify my choices and that had lead to me gaining weight and feeling like crap. I’m not going to lie: my weight went up and down over the years and even this year I ballooned back up to a size 16 and that’s when I had to change something, consciously. Low carb has worked a treat.

    How to change a belief

    Here’s how it works: Repeated messaging whether it’s negative or positive self talk, affirmations, the music you listen to, advertising or media, works to carve a neural pathway in the brain that allows the brain to make a decision faster – when it needs to – via ‘the path of least resistance’. This is how your autopilot does it’s stuff.  Only 10 % of your day is based around conscious choices so it’s important to consider what neural pathways have been carved in your brain that could be sabotaging your success!

    If you’ve been struggling to make changes to your weight or your health, know that it is fixable! Carry a belief that you can’t lose weight, like I did, and you won’t bat an eyelid when your favourite aunty brings out a cream sponge. Start telling yourself a new story like: I love my body and I nurture it with healthy food that gives me energy and vitality’ and carve away. It takes around 30-40 days of repetition to change a belief, but you can do it.  Setting reminders on your phone, or leaving yourself post it notes actually does work!

    While living with anxiety everyday for more than 15 years was exhausting, it pushed me to create new beliefs which have actually helped change my choices, actions and behaviour for the better and I’m now strangely grateful for them.

    Monique Bradley Weightloss Success

    I’ve learnt that being healthy and making conscious choices improves my health. It’s also helped with my anxiety as my body has the nutrition it needs to find balance again.

    I’ve learnt that making healthy choices and eating food that fuels me and gives me back my ‘sparkle’ has helped my career.

    I KNOW that making healthy choices has resulted in me feeling great and now people are attracted to my energy and vitality. I still blush when people tell me that I’m beautiful or that ‘Pete is a lucky guy’. Even just writing that made me crack up.

    Most importantly. I’m not on a diet any more. There’s no anxiety and my body is finding out it’s own truth and deciding on it’s own perfect weight. I bought size10 jeans last week and the secret to my success?  Changing my beliefs about myself.

    Yes, your genes may have something to do with your weight, but so does making good choices.

    So: what do you believe?  What tales have you been telling yourself? And what new pathway are you ready to carve?

    Let’s do this.

    Overcoming weight loss excuses


    Overcoming weight loss excuses

    So, in my journey of weight loss, weight gain, weight loss, weight gain (you know how the story goes) everything was always a CHALLENGE.

    • I can’t exercise because I don’t have time
    • I can’t eat healthily because it’s too challenging when I have to cook for others
    • I can’t stop eating bread because it’s just so much easier
    • I can’t stop eating carbs because it’s just more convenient when I’m on the road. I mean what am I supposed to eat? MEAT ALL THE TIME?? THERE’S NOTHING ELSE!!!

    To all of this I now say PHOOEY. It’s all lies. It’s me making excuses and allowing a simple CHALLENGE sabotage what I really want from my life which is to be healthy, happy and just to feel GOOD! That has become my WHY (as well as helping others feel good too) and that WHY has become bigger than those CHALLENGES. So how have I answered all of those painpoints which were my own sabotager’s?

    How do you overcome your weight loss excuses?

    I can’t exercise because I don’t have time

    I have a pretty sedentary job and spend a lot of time behind a computer. In the weekends I get off my butt and walk down and up Queen Street here in Auckland and get my steps up.  I walk further to get a cup of coffee. I sometimes take the stairs. Have you ever googled how many calories you burn when you do Housework?  Worth a look! Most importantly I just go easy on myself and move WHEN I can and HOWEVER I can, but the focus is that I MOVE. Yesterday I scheduled a photoshoot for a client out in the bush just to ensure I went for a good walk to the shooting location!  See what I did there? CHALLENGE BUSTED.

    I can’t eat healthily because it’s too challenging when I have to cook for others.

    Utter crap. The other day I cooked the same breakfast for Pete and I. His was loaded with carbs and mine was low carb. Super easy. Having mexican? Go NAKED. Not literally, well, you’re an adult so you can do what you want really. When I have Mexican I order a ‘Naked Burrito’, loaded with beans, meat, salsa, salad, sour cream and cheese.  I just don’t have the burrito shell as it makes me bloat and leaves me feeling sluggish.  Low carb living isn’t about missing out.  It’s about knowing what works for you and your body and how you process your food. Making simple changes is a key to success and has worked really well for me over the years. CHALLENGE BUSTED.

    I can’t stop eating bread because it’s just so much easier

    Have you tried my low carb bread recipe? Seriously, so much better and now all my bread cravings have disappeared! I enjoy so many other options and I don’t miss it at all!! In the same way that fashion changes, so does our ‘norm’ when it comes to food.  Sandwiches may have been your norm, now you have the opportunity to create a new ‘norm’.  Exciting!! CHALLENGE BUSTED.

    I can’t stop eating carbs because it’s just more convenient when I’m on the road. I mean what am I supposed to eat? MEAT ALL THE TIME?? THERE’S NOTHING ELSE!!!

    I am on the road a lot.  I’m also well prepared with snacks and meal prep. I always have nuts handy. I eat well before I hit the road. I don’t eat meat all the time. I always have a good quality protein bar in my bag, just in case, and I actually make what I’m going to eat a PRIORITY. Why?  Because having sustained energy and good health is important to me, not just because I want to be able to ‘perform’ at full energy when I’m with clients or on camera, but because my WHY of being healthy, happy and just feeling GOOD is so important to me. I think it’s about being delightfully selfish. FYI: Being selfish is not what we think by the way.  It simply means to put yourself and your needs first, so CHALLENGE BUSTED.

    OK: so how are you going to be selfish and bust those thoughts or behaviours that have challenged you.

    You could begin with a simple goals that make you feel good. Start by walking or jogging at a pace that feels comfortable or join me in this excerpt from ‘Easy Living With Monique Bradley Show’ where I learn a yoga routine from Rachael Thompson, that helps with weight loss, balance and strength. By the way, it’s a routine you can do everyday and is no longer than 10 minutes!

    You can eating the right combination of superfoods, such as fresh produce, lean protein, and low-fat dairy which will give your body the energy it needs, protect you from chronic diseases, and may even whittle your waist. Remember too that when you feed your brain with the right nutrients, it’s primed to make better decisions.

    If you’re already active, doing the same workout or eating the same meal might be convenient, but for the results you want, it’s good to spice up your regimen and try different fitness activities, like hula hooping or ballet. I used to be a tap dancer a long time ago and I’m seriously considering going back to re-fresh!

    Any one thing that overcomes or busts your CHALLENGE, whether it’s a self limiting or sabotaging thought or belief, changes your life.  I’m not even kidding!  And that feeling when you bust that challenge…..that exhilaration….that buzz…..That’s your sense of personal power returning meaning you’re back in the driving seat of your life.

    Kick ass this week and let me know which challenge you’re ready to overcome, so I can celebrate your success.

    Stay fabulous,

    Monique XX



    Monique’s ‘Love Your Jubblies’ Blueberry And Walnut Upside Down Mug Cake Recipe

    So, living low carb is easy for me as I never feel like I’m missing out! I call it ‘un-dieting’ as I no longer feel like I’m on a diet!!  If I want crackers and cheese, I have it – but for the sake of my health, I make sure I have some low carb crackers ready and waiting! 

    Sometimes it get’s to that time of night when I really want a delish, cakey dessert and I know that wheat based one’s mess with both my gut and my blood sugars. Understanding the rules of how to work with the low carb alternatives, I came up with this little baby which cooks really fast, is super tasty and the best part, no bloating, no upset tummy and I feel satisfied! In fact, knowing that I can have food like this, food that was normally seen as an indulgence, makes me want it less!  Go figure?? I guess it’s true when they say that we all want what we can’t have….. 

    This recipe I created especially in support of this weeks episode featuring double breast cancer survivor, mother of 3 and absolute superwoman, Karin Horen.  She is truly amazing and you can check out her story here.  This week I’ll be hitting the road to shake a bucket for the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation so did a whole lot of research into foods that can work to protect your healthy cells or fight those nasty free radicals.  It turns out that Walnuts and blueberries are on the list!  I’ll share the rest after the recipe.  


    • 2 tbsp almond flour
    • 1 tbsp coconut flour
    • 1/4 c of smashed walnuts
    • 1/4 tsp baking powder
    • dash of salt
    • 1 tbsp coconut oil
    • 2 tbsp + 1 tsp of milk or nut milk
    • 1 egg
    • 1 tbsp Natvia (or you can use organic maple syrup or yacon syrup)
    • 1 tsp vanilla extract
    • 1/2 cup of blueberries (soaked in water)

    Melt the coconut oil, then add the milk, egg, vanilla and sweetener together and whisk. Add all dry ingredients, except the blueberries and mix through.

    Grab a coffee mug or 2 ramekins and lightly grease.

    Line the bottom of your cup or ramekin with blueberries.

    Add the cake mix on top – or add half the mix, add another layer of berries, then add the last part of the cake mix.

    Bake in the microwave for 90 seconds – 2 minutes OR in an over set at 175 – 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

    You’ll know when it’s cooked as the cake will be firm to the touch and may move away from the edge of the cooking vessel.

    Tip out onto a plate so the berries are on top and serve with some delicious natural yoghurt and any left over berries.

    Other AMAZING foods that help fight free radicals:

    • GARLIC
    • SALMON


    Hey gorgeous!  Are you ready for change?

    If you’re looking for weekly support for weight loss and your own wellness journey, subscribe to my Facebook group!

    New recipes and cooking classes every week, plus motivation and ideas to help you reach your goals! You can join me here.

    It’s time to #treatyoself and transfom you into the fabulous that you truly are, eating real food! Let’s do this!

    M X

    Choosing To CHANGE Your Life


    Choosing To CHANGE Your Life

    Monique Bradley: TV presenter, web TV host, Food, living and lifestyle

    What’s been on my mind? The topic of CHANGE. When you’ve decided that muffin tops are ok at a cafe, but not on your body…. or that you’re tired of feeling tired and concerned that you’re getting breathless walking up a few stairs…. or perhaps you’re up in the night with nausea, bloating, diarrhoea …or maybe you just don’t like what you see in the mirror….whatever your driver, at some stage in your life some sort of switch ‘flips’ and you know it’s time to change.

    Many of us are afraid to change as we know that it may affect others around us, or perhaps we simply don’t know HOW!

    Let me tell you my friend, yes: you will affect others – hopefully positively with your new found energy, admirable health and incredible vitality – and they may not like it.

    There’s 3 things I need you need to know.

    Pack Correctiveness

    I read somewhere about a theory called ‘Pack corrective behaviour’.  In your family group or friendship circles, we all fit into a role a little bit like bees in a beehive. We all go about our business as usual and the Hive prospers.  At some stage in your own Hive, when you go to make a CHANGE you may find people trying to unknowingly sabotage your CHANGE.  It’s nothing personal – they are just trying to re-establish the status quo, by correcting you and making everything normal again.  Food patterns are the same. Your family may complain about your food.  They’ll also get used to it.  It’s time to be honest with YOU and put yourself first.

    The Ripple Effect: Notice The Change

    When you’re making a BIG change in your life, sometimes it’s almost as if everything and everyone in the world challenges you – as if they are saying ‘WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO PUT YOURSELF FIRST?’ or in my life, as I was always a very competent talker (and often mocked for talking too much) ‘WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO PUT YOURSELF OUT THERE, so I would slink into the background.  What I’ve learnt is that when this happens – yes, it’s not IF but WHEN – I take this as a sign that every day, in every way I’m getting closer and closer to my true calling, my true purpose and achieving my WHY.

    Change Starts With You

    Here’s an acronym for you to remember:








    CHANGE is empowering. It’s an opportunity to grow! Simply saying NO to someone can be so tremendously exhilarating, especially if you’ve been a people pleaser, and in that moment of exhilaration, check out that feeling! That’s your feeling of personal power kicking into action and you’re now in the driving seat of your own life. And you’re growing! Embrace it, relish it and LOVE IT!

    SO: Answer these questions…….honestly.

    • How often do you not speak you truth?
    • How often do you just cook a family meal to keep the kids happy and suffer with bloating?
    • How often do you not speak up for fear of being laughed at or mocked?

    Honesty is the key.  Be honest with yourself and everyone else around you. They may not like it at first, however a new Hive will evolve from it. 

    Your days of being a drone are over my dear.

    It’s time to be the Queen or King of your own life.

    Thanks for flipping the switch.  Let’s do this.

    Inspiration: The World Is Your Oyster

    Inspiration: The World Is Your Oyster

    When I graduated with a BA in theatre and film more than twenty something years ago, many people said to me ‘what are you ever going to do with THAT as a degree?’ At that time, I was cheeky enough to say ‘Anything I want…’
    And here I am more than twenty something years later, using my degree everyday and doing ‘anything I want’ and realising it wasn’t just the education that gave me the confidence to do so, it was my own sheer grit and determination to succeed that has allowed me to live a life I truly love.
    There is no luck.
    We create our own luck.
    Be prepared, see opportunity in every moment, don’t be afraid to ask for help and live your purpose in every moment that you can.
    It’s worth it.
    #inspiration #joy #midnightmemories #happy #opportunity #quoteoftheday #education #determination #theworldisyouroyster #media #tv



    I GOT REPOSTED!!!!!!! Repost from @jonotexture Today’s raw salad at Como Street Takapuna. Watermelon, fennel, apple, rocket, flax seeds. #raw #vegan #foodporn #summer #vegetarian #takapunasummer

    The Health Benefits Of Tea

    The Health Benefits Of Tea

    Monique Bradley: TV presenter, web TV host, Food, living and lifestyle

    I’ve been drinking tea since I was about 6 years old and have turned out relatively ok (apart from the touch of insanity and slight twitches in sunlight…..I’m joking….).  I decided as a self appointed High Tea Queen that I should possibly understand what it is i’m putting into my body / temple… So here is some information about the health benefits of Tea!

    ‘Tea’ is the name normally to the hot (or cold) beverage derived from the steeping of green tea, black tea, white tea, oolong tea, and pu-erh tea. All of these in fact come from the exact same source: the Camellia Sinensis plant, a shrub found in China and India.

    One of the biggest advantages of adding this product into your life is that it contains a unique antioxidant called  a ‘flavonoid’. The most potent of this, known as ECGC is thought to help fight free radicals that can contribute to nasty icky conditions such as cancer, heart disease, and clogged arteries. SO, let’s get into the details

    Scientifically proven health benefits of drinking tea

    Studies have shown that green tea can improve the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease including heart disease and stroke, including the improved total cholesterol (LDL) and bad cholesterol (46 ). Tea contains antioxidants called flavonoids that slow the onset and risk of heart disease. Green tea is rich in flavonoids which can help to boost your heart health by lowering bad cholesterol and reducing blood clotting.    Show Source Texts

    Tea can also reduce the risk of heart disease because it improves blood circulation throughout the body by dilating important arteries and reducing the risk of blood clots.    Show Source Texts

    As far as herbal remedies are concerned, tea is a delicious drink that can bring a number of health benefits. Tea contains antioxidant compounds such as polyphenols and catechins, which repel free radicals and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.    Show Source Texts

    In fact, a 2016 study that combined data from a variety of previous reports found a 20% reduction in heart attack risk and a 35% reduction in stroke risk among those who drank one to three cups of green tea a day. Regular drinking of green tea was also associated with a 32% reduction in the risk of pancreatic cancer compared to those who did not drink tea, and in women, increased consumption and prolonged tea drinking was associated with a reduced risk of pancreatic cancer. There is plenty of research showing that drinking tea can improve your health.    Show Source Texts

    A comprehensive review of observational studies has found that women who regularly drink green tea have a 20% to 30% lower risk of breast cancer. One study found that men who drank daily green tea had a lower risk of advanced prostate cancer [22]. After a review of 7 studies with a total of 288,701 subjects, tea drinkers had an 18% low risk of diabetes [44].    Show Source Texts

    For example, a review found that drinking six or more cups of green tea a day was associated with a 33 percent lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes compared to those who drank less than one cup a week. Studies have shown that people who drink both green and black tea have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, but results regarding the effect of tea on cholesterol and blood pressure are mixed.    Show Source Texts

    Some studies suggest that the catechin in green tea can help maintain blood sugar and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. There is a lot of information about tea as a cancer-fighting drink, but research has not shown that tea consumption reduces the cancer risk. Some studies suggest tea drinkers have a lower risk for certain cancers, but other studies have not confirmed this claim.    Show Source Texts

    Although some brews offer more health benefits than others, there is plenty of evidence that drinking tea can have a lasting impact on your wellbeing. Numerous studies have shown that a variety of teas can strengthen the immune system, fight inflammation and ward off cancer and heart disease. More research is needed into tea and cancer prevention claims, but studies show that certain teas contain antioxidants that are good at fighting free radicals and at reducing the risk of certain cancers.    Show Source Texts

    Now that the pinkies are gone, it’s time to learn some of the amazing benefits and some of the risks of drinking tea. Blood sugar is a contributing factor to type 2 diabetes so it stands to reason that drinking tea can do more good than harm. Research on tea and diabetes shows that certain types of tea can help keep blood sugar under control.    Show Source Texts

    Tea not only slows down weight gain, but also stabilizes blood sugar levels. Some studies suggest that three or more cups of tea a day is better than drinking the same amount of water as the antioxidants contained in tea promote health of the body and rehydrate it simultaneously. According to Chinese researchers, drinking tea can also protect against strokes.    Show Source Texts

    The people who consumed 20 ounces of plain black tea a day for 12 weeks improved their heart health, lowered blood sugar levels and lowered the risk of type 2 diabetes, according to a study published in Preventive Medicine. In a case study in southern China, a significant reduction in the risk of ischemic stroke was observed in those who drank at least one cup of tea a day compared with rare non-drinkers, but the effect was greater in those who drank one to two cups of green or oolong tea a day. Drinking daily 1 to 2 cups of Oolong was associated with lower risk of stroke compared to non-tea drinkers, but it took more than six cups of green tea to have the same protective effect.    Show Source Texts

    Researchers believe that the catechin found in black tea can help keep the heart healthy by lowering triglycerides, a fatty compound in blood that provides the body with antioxidants that combat cell-damaging free radicals. Black tea also contains flavonoids, compounds from green tea and other plant-based foods that lower cancer risk. The study authors said that green tea, especially, is a rich source of bioactive flavonoid compounds that reduce oxidative stress, reduce inflammation and provide other health benefits.    Show Source Texts

    While green tea has been studied for long for its health benefits, including cancer, chemotherapy and chemopreventative effects, new data show that black tea has similar health-promoting properties. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition, Health, and Aging in January 2016 found that drinking black tea and oolong green tea in older people, especially older women, is associated with a lower risk of neurocognitive disorders such as dementia. In young tea leaves, the antioxidants and catechins in green tea are abundant, and green tea is grown in all shades and conditions, but like Matcha green tea powder and Gyokuro shade are the most commonly grown green teas. 

    So there you have it. If you’re not drinking tea you’re missing out on so much more than just a tasty beverage!! Enjoy!

    Cited Sources

    A little piece of High Tea Heaven in Napier….

    The Best High Tea in Napier

    Monique Bradley: TV presenter, web TV host, Food, living and lifestyle

    Monique here, ready with a little story of my first NZ High Tea experience. Now, the scones, jam and cream from a can I served at the Bellevue School Fair Devonshire Tea classroom cafe in 1982 is not quite what I’m about to discuss. Nor shall I describe the countless rounds of scones I perfected in my mothers Newlands Kitchen as a child…This my darlings is something much grander:  Port O Call in Napier.  (A perfect time for an overwhelmed hush from the crowd…)

    I walked into what appeared to be a shop attached to a tearoom – which it is – with a delightful array of vintage and modern vintage cups, saucers and kitcheny things that made me feel like a puppy with a new play toy. Pink, pastels, polka dots and florals everywhere delighted my visual senses so entirely that I nearly passed out, overwhelmed by the loveliness. I never knew something so lovely existed in Aotearoa!  Now, we are talking 10 years ago my dears, sometime before High Tea really became as popular as it is now.

    Napier itself is the Art Deco Capital of New Zealand so it’s no surprise that a store of this nature is nestled away in it’s arms.  Down by the wharf, it’s name is aptly titled with a gorgeous selection of single serve tea cup, saucer and plate trio’s – each with a distinct look and heritage.

    Royal Doulton and the like sit beautifully among more modern pieces and each set is as unique as the customer who chooses to use it.

    The food and tea itself is also perfect – the lovely simple delights befitting of such an occasion with changeable sweet treats of your choosing. The plates arrive with fresh garden flowers and the clientele, both male and female transitioned every age and demographic.

    The experience itself fuelled my addiction for the taste, the etiquette, the moment to ‘take time out of the eveydayness and be’, so much so that I considered buying the place.  Sadly, I did not live in the area, did not know how to run such a venue or have the money to buy it. Ah well, at least my love of the experience has continued and one day I will support Port O Call Again….


    Till next time,

    The High Tea Queen. *waves regally*

    Location Details:

    Port O Call

    9 Nelson Quay,  Ahuriri,  Napier
    Phone 06 8336688

    Thich Nhat Hahn’s Tea Meditation

    Thich Nhat Hahn’s Tea Meditation

    Monique Bradley: TV presenter, web TV host, Food, living and lifestyle

    Have you ever heard of a high tea meditation?

    Some years ago I switched on the interweb to receive my daily dose of Oprah in my inbox today and was delighted to see a post about her recent Super Soul Sunday session with Thích Nhất Hạnh – a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, teacher, author, poet and peace activist.

    In their interview, he talks about the process of taking tea for meditation.

    It is thought provoking – only about a 90 seconds long but worth watching….I want to watch more of it!! He said he can extend his cup of tea to last for over an hour!!

    Watch the snippet of the experience below.

    “You must be completely awake in the present to enjoy the tea.
    Only in the awareness of the present, can your hands feel the pleasant warmth of the cup.
    Only in the present, can you savoUr the aroma, taste the sweetness, appreciate the delicacy.
    If you are ruminating about the past, or worrying about the
    future, you will completely miss the experience of enjoying the cup of
    You will look down at the cup, and the tea will be gone.
    Life is like that.
    If you are not fully present, you will look around and it will be gone.
    You will have missed the feel, the aroma, the delicacy and beauty of life.
    It will seem to be speeding past you. The past is finished.
    Learn from it and let it go.
    The future is not even here yet. Plan for it, but do not waste your time worrying about it.
    Worrying is worthless.
    When you stop ruminating about what has already happened, when
    you stop worrying about what might never happen, then you will be in the
    present moment.
    Then you will begin to experience joy in life.”

    – Thich Nhat Hanh

    What Is High Tea?


    So, what is High Tea?

    I’ve had a number of people asking me exactly ‘what is High Tea’ over the years, so I decided to write this blog to educate and inform people about this incredible tradition! (FYI If you haven’t tried it yet, you’re missing out!)

    It actually began in the 1600’s in England and was popular among labourers who in the late afternoons came home and decided they needed to ‘partake of a light libation’. It was originally served after sunset as a light supper or dinner and as it was designed to help those hardworking chaps. Cooked meats such as casseroles, cheeses and crackers were often served as part of the meal – with lashings of TEA of course. It was then followed up with a selection of small cakes for dessert. For Labourers and Farmers, this was a daily tradition, not a ‘once in a while experience’.

    As the tradition has moved on and evolved, it has become popularised as a ‘grown up version of afternoon tea’ moved into an earlier time of day and now you can even experience the tradition in the morning!

    My first experience of High Tea was in 2001 when I was staying with friends in Cornwall. They lived in a beautiful heritage building that was formerly a Bed and Breakfast and was beautifully appointed.  One afternoon at 5 p.m. I was served with freshly made scones, home made strawberry jam and clotted cream – an entirely new experience for me – with tea made from actual leaves!  The aromas and flavours of this exquisite tradition created a transportation of time for my senses and I was instantly hooked.


    One of my greatest regrets thus far is not taking High Tea at The Ritz in London due to a lack of funds at the time – but I’m sure once the borders open, my high tea opportunity shall rise again so I can work my way back to good old London Town to fulfil my dream!!

    In the meantime, I have had High Tea at some exquisite venues.

    The Lobby of the Cordis Hotel is one to try for the experience alone, and by far the best Takeaway High Tea on offer is from Private Dining Chef Kevin Blakeman, through his cafe Beaufort + Co on Aucklands North Shore. You can order online for contactless pick up and the scones are pure heaven.  Had it online location for Mothers Day in 2021 and it was emotional. Check them out.
