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    Warm Salmon Salad With Chilli Citrus Dressing

    Hot Smoked Salmon Salad With Chilli Citrus Dressing

    There’s so many health benefits with this dish and it’s incredibly versatile!  Loaded with great omegas to support heart health, this low carb recipe can also be adapted to include different vegetables for the carb lovers in your home. The best part of the recipe: THIS IS GOOD FOOD FAST!!

    • 1 piece of fresh salmon
    • olive oil
    • vegetables of your choice: beans, brussel sprouts, asparagus
    • an assortment of salad greens


    • 3 tbsp lemon juice
    • 125ml olive oil
    • 1 tsp wholegrain mustard
    • 2 red chillies

    Remove any bones from your salmon and place in a microwave safe container

    Chop vegetables into small bitesized pieces and place around the salmon

    Pour a little olive oil over the vegetables and add your favourite seasoning

    (Paprika is great if you’re cooking potatoes for the carb lovers in your home)

    Cover container with either BPA free cling film OR put on the lid ensuring the steam vent is open

    Place inside your SUPERCHEF cooking bag (Not sure what SUPERCHEF is? Email me to find out more!)

    Cook for around 4 minutes on HIGH or until your vegetables are tender and your salmon is steamed through

    Spread salad greens across a giant platter

    Arrange cooked vegetables on top of your salad

    Break up your salmon into little pieces using 2 forks and spread over top of your vegetables and salad

    To make the dressing

    Finely chop the chilli and add all ingredients to a blender

    Blitz together and season to taste

    Pour over top of your salad and enjoy

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