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    Review: The BEST Low Carb Bread EVER!

    The best low carb / keto bread

    Bread lover? Me too, so this low carb version is a life saver!! Low carb / keto bread! HUGE shoutout to Atkins who created a bread mix where the flavour and texture is the best thing I’ve eaten in a long time. This bread is made just like traditional yeast bread and even better, it’s not one of those eggy almond meal ones, pretending to be bread! It’s real bread baby, and just a couple of grams of carbs a slice.

    The best low carb / keto bread recipe

    Making low carb bread

    If you’ve ever tried to make low carb bread, you’ll know they either end up really eggy, or really dense and heavy because of the high amount of almond meal that you need to use in the loaf or the 10,000 eggs. (Jokes….but yes, they normally include a lot of eggs in those recipes.) To be honest, those almond meal breads make me fee a little heavy in the stomach and the high fat content makes me feel a little nauseas.

    This product – as it’s a bread mix – is easy to make: 2 packets and 1 and a bit cups of water. You mix it through and leave somewhere warm to rise. After 45 mins, you pop it in the oven and 40 mins later you have fresh, hot grainy bread – just like you’re mama used to make! For me, there’s no bloating, no upset tummy PLUS as it’s a bread mix so it’s perfect for those of you with an unused bread maker in the cupboard.

    Does the Atkins low carb bread mix contain wheat flour?

    To be honest, some of the wheat and gluten free low carb products on the market give me an upset tummy. (Apologies for the overshare, but I’d rather be straight up and let you know the truth.) This product didn’t have that affect on me which is great news! For those of you who are wheat or gluten sensitive or intolerant, this product may not work for you. I’m carbohydrate intolerant so for me this product is amazing!!

    What’s the difference between wheat and gluten sensitivity or intolerance VS carbohydrate sensitivity or intolerance?

    If this all sounds a little confusing, the key difference is that my diet is more focussed on Low G.I. eating, so longer burning, energy sustaining foods. My carbohydrate intolerance comes from the fact that I don’t produce enough of an enzyme in my saliva called Amylase which is used to help break down carbohydrates before they enter my bloodstream. This includes lactose, fructose, maltose, sucrose and most starches. This is a genetic thing and is more common than once thought! Many people who feel they are gluten or wheat sensitive or intolerant may actually be carb sensitive or intolerant and it’s worth getting it checked out to learn more about your own genetic makeup.

    To find out more about carb sensitivity read this blog.

    Where can you buy it in New Zealand or Australia?

    Currently I haven’t seen it any of the supermarkets or specialty stores in New Zealand or Australia, but I did find it online here at Mighty Ape: https://bit.ly/39C6UVc

    They also have a huge selection of speciality keto and low carb friendly foods (including crackers, chocolate and low carb pasta) as well as keto and low carb cook books and it’s all reasonable priced as well! Just head to their site (Link here: https://bit.ly/39C6UVc), search for ‘Low carb’ or ‘keto’ in the search bar and it will show you all the options.

    When I purchased the bread mix, I paid just $7 a pack and from memory I got free shipping with my first order. Cheaper than any other low carb bread we have here in the market…..and nothing beats fresh bread straight out of the oven…..I’m also a fan of the Atkins crackers as well.

    Delivery happens really fast and with my last order I paid an additional $3.50 for same day delivery.

    This bread smells truly amazing and tastes fabulous. I give it 5 stars and it’s awesome knowing I’m eating something I love, while still sticking to my health goals!! If you order some, let me know what you think! M xoxo

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