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    Low Carb Marshmallow

    Low Carb Marshmallow

    Well, in the lead up to easter – well any celebratory events really – I always think about the traditional foods associated with that event. Easter makes me think of marshmallow easter eggs and when it’s not easter, I think of Rocky Road!  Here’s an easy way to make marshmallow with just a couple of ingredients and there’s practically NO CARBS.  Honestly it’s like eating air. FYI: you’ll need a bench top mixer for this.


    • 375 ml cold water
    • 5 – 6 tbsp of your preferred granulated sweetener.  I use Stevia.
    • 5 tbsp powdered gelatine
    • 125 ml hot water
    • Vanilla essence
    • Your preferred colouring

    On your stovetop, gently heat the cold water and place your sweetener in there. You want it to dissolve without boiling

    Place the hot water and gelatine into a mixing bowl and work fast to dissolve. I’m lazy so I used a blender

    Combine ingredients into the mixing bowl that you use with your bench top mixer and allow to cool.

    Once cool, add vanilla and colouring and using your balloon whisk, whip the mixture till it’s doubled in volume, is light and fluffy and a little sticky.

    Pour into a tin lined with cling film OR into your favourite silicone moulds and set in the fridge.  Move quickly as it sets pretty fast.

    You can chop it up for rocky road, dip it in chocolate or eat it as it is! Please note: As there’s no sugar in this recipe, it’s not ideal for smores or cooking over a campfire as it’s a little more delicate than traditional sugar marshmallow.



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