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    Welcome to India

     Here’s the things you need to know if travelling to India:
    1. Go with a tour guide.  It’s pretty freaky at first! Total sensory overload.
    2. Be prepared for crazy traffic like nothing you’ve ever seen.
    3. Hand sanitiser.  ALL THE TIME – EVERY TIME.  No excuses.
    4. Take Panadol, Imodium and Electrolyte sachets.
    6. Only drink bottled water.
    7. Only eat cooked food.
    8. 2 minutes in India probably means 1 hour with at least 6 stops or a few meetings.
    9. You’ll be offered food. This is a snack. A meal will be on it’s way. Go easy tiger.
    10. Be open to the most mind blowing experience of our life. There is nothing like it.
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