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    How to look after your Immune System, naturally

    How to look after your Immune System, naturally

    If you’re concerned about your wellbeing and in particular your immune system in this crazy Covid paradigm, you’re not alone! But short of becoming the ‘boy in the bubble’ are there ways you can potentially support the wellbeing of you and your family, naturally?

    Below are some of our top simple tips that you may or may not know which may directly support your health!

    photo of sleeping man
    Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

    Get more sleep!

    Did you know that sleep is an important part of the immune system’s process? Taking the time your body needs to rest can help keep the body healthy and may directly impact your immune system.

    A quality night’s sleep provides an opportunity for your body to restore and rejuvenate while enabling it to naturally detox and find balance. When you sleep well, you make better choices, meaning you also eat well too.

    A balanced diet can help you get the vital vitamins that help your body build a healthy immune system and maintain a healthy one. Getting enough vitamin D comes not only from diet, but also from sunlight, which is important.

    If you don’t get enough sleep, your immune system doesn’t do the things that make it better able to protect your body against harmful invaders and make you less sick. Studies have shown that people who do not have good quality sleep (enough sleep hours) are more likely to fall ill after being exposed to viruses such as the common cold virus. Lack of sleep over long periods of time can also reduce the body’s ability to respond properly, making flu vaccinations less effective.    

    This is because vital molecules are formed during sleep to fight infections, which make us more susceptible to disease when we are exposed to viruses that cause the common cold. Your body can heal and regenerate faster when you sleep, making adequate sleep crucial for a healthy immune response.

    two women planking at the seashore
    Photo by Nathan Cowley on

    Exercise may also improve sleep quality and increase immune function.  

    One way to improve immune function is to boost general blood flow, making it easier for immune cells and other anti-infection molecules to travel throughout the body. In fact, studies have shown that daily exercise reduces inflammation and supports immune cell regeneration. Excessive exercise can have the opposite effect and wear down the body, leaving you with less strength to fight infections.    

    All parts of the body function better when they are driven by healthy eating and a positive environment with minimal stress. Sleep may not feel like an active process but there are many important activities in your body that take place when you are not awake, which you do not even notice.   

    Strong immunity is crucial for preventing and combating disease and a key component for a balanced and happy life. The habits you practice can give your immune system what it needs to fight infections and diseases while maintaining a healthy balance despite its complexity. Even before the pandemic, there are ways to give your health the priority it needs – no matter what age you are.  

    The human body consists of 11 different systems, which in their independent parts keep your body running optimally. The habits and practices that support you with your immunity lend themselves to a happier, more holistic existence. It is essential in the world to be strong and healthy, to fight diseases and illnesses and to enjoy your body and the life it gives you.    

    Just as your home security system provides protection, your immune system uses a system of chemicals and proteins to fight viruses, harmful bacteria, infections and parasites in your body. A healthy immune system is the primary defence against a cold, flu, coronavirus, simple infection or allergy.  

    Flu and colds are typical examples of how the body fails to stop germs and bacteria before they enter. No matter how long you stay healthy, remember that you can still get sick. It is no coincidence that large stressful projects at work may make you ill, followed by emotional situations at home.   

    Therefore, it is important to focus on staying active and moving regularly. Studies that assess how exercise affects the body at the cellular level suggest that periods of physical activity can alert the immune system and spread immune cells throughout the body without looking for damaged or infected cells (Check out the links below to learn more). The body is dependent on the hormone cortisol (as an example) for short-term stress situations, and when the body reacts to fight or flight, cortisol has a positive effect by preventing the immune system from responding to stress events before the body can react to an immediate stress factor.    

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    Photo by Trang Doan on

    Eat well to BE WELL

    Studies have shown that malnutrition and poor nutrition can weaken our immune system. Keeping your immune system in top shape gives your body the nutrients it needs to thrive. If your diet consists of processed, fatty or sugary foods, your body will not receive the vitamins and minerals it needs, which can lead to a weakened immune system. Experts believe that your body absorbs vitamins from food sources and supplements. A balanced diet is the best way to support your immune system.   

    A wide range of nutrients plays a role in maintaining a strong immune system, so be sure to eat lots of vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats. Eat a rainbow of vegetables and fruits to make sure you get a variety of nutrients. Vitamin supplements can help fill the gaps in your diet, but the best way to get vital nutrients is to get them from your diet.  

    Fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, miso yoghurt and kefir are also beneficial. Lean protein and complex carbohydrates such as brown rice and quinoa can also be part of a healthy diet.   

    Strengthening the immune system Dieting the body with certain foods can help keep the immune system strong. The inclusion of certain foods in a diet can strengthen a person’s immune response. A Mediterranean diet rich in wholesome, unprocessed foods with antioxidants can reduce inflammation and promote good gut bacteria, which can help build a strong immune system. 

    FYI: If you’re a fan of a smoothie bowl, click here for a fast and easy recipe!

    crop woman with hands on chest
    Photo by Puwadon Sang-ngern on

    Thymus Tapping

    According to registered Naturopath Lynette Hill from My Remedy, Thymus tapping is also something worth considering.

    “Behind your sternum, or breastbone, sits the thymus gland, your immune system’s surveillance gland.

    It is part of the lymphatic immune system and one of the functions of the thymus is to process and mature T cells ( also known as killer cells) , the immune system’s  “soldiers”.  Thumping, or tapping, your thymus gland stimulates your immune system, giving it a boost.

    Use thymus tapping to keep the gland active and boost your  immune system.”

    Lynette Hill: BNatMed and Clinical Director – My Remedy

    To learn more about Thymus tapping, click the button below.

    Immune Support Products: introducing Lentinex

    Finally, there are plenty of products in the market that may support your wellbeing and your immune system, from Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin D and magnesium, through to Lentinex, a relatively new product from Norway. Lentinex a natural product, clinically proven to enhance immune system function and has information on their clinical trials to support this.

    To find out more about this product, click the button below.

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